June 28, 2017

Europe and the Faith

Whether or not Medieval Europe was essentially still more Pagan than Christian, it remains true that the church appropriated, codified and developed many features of Indo-European civilization; such as the ancient practice of monogamy, the worship of the Sky Father, the natural philosophy of Aristotle and traditional festivities such as yule. Even the cross symbol is Aryan.
We ought to remember the church as the institutional backbone of the West during the past thousand years -- not merely out of respect for our Christian ancestors who revered it and whose identity was closely tied to Christendom, but because it was indeed a great patron of family, community, virtue and science.

Baron Julius Evola argued that the medieval concept of "chivalry" stemmed from Europe's Pagan Traditions and it was a moral system in conflict with Christianity. He presents a great argument to back up his thesis:

"Within a nominally Christian world, chivalry upheld without any substantial alterations an Aryan ethics in the following things: (1) upholding the ideal of the hero rather than of the saint, and of the conqueror rather than of the martyr; (2) regarding faithfulness and honor, rather than caritas and humbleness, as the highest virtues; (3) regarding cowardice and dishonor; rather than sin, as the worst possible evil; (4) ignoring or hardly putting into practice the evangelical precepts of not opposing evil and not retaliating against offenses, but rather, methodically punishing unfairness and evil; (5) excluding from its ranks those who followed the Christian precept "Thou Shalt Not Kill" to the letter; and (6) refusing to love one's enemy and instead fighting him and being magnanimous only after defeating him."

-- Julius Evola "Revolt Against The Modern World

Western Greatness and its Enemies

Roger Devlin reviews Ricardo Duchesne's Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age: Western Greatness and Its Enemies. 

State Agnosticism

Titus Quintus outlines the Fifth Political Theory's state-agnostic philosophy in the following article, stressing that our modern nation states were transient modes of political organization, whose post-modern carcasses are increasingly meaningless sources of identity, and of little use for the advancement of racial nationalism in the 21st century.
We propose that ‘Aryandom’ has the potential to become the ideological and identitarian basis of the global Western diaspora, by supplementing and providing a deep historical and spiritual context for white racial nationalism - that encompasses the heritage of Western Civilization, which fundamentally emanates from the uniquely Indo-European values, institutions and worldview of our ancestors.
"...we are at last free to create and restore rather than slavishly inherit. We must outlive the nation-state and its demo-bureaucratic successor, not cling to them. [...] 5PT will be about building and creating our congregations and networks, about forging the Western diaspora into a real-world tribe with populations in both hemispheres in order to restore ourselves as a viable ethnos. We will link the Western diaspora of Europe with the Western diaspora of North America, with the Western diaspora of British Oceania, with the Western diaspora of Latin America, with the Western diaspora of Africa, and so forth. This is a stateless, sub-national and trans-national conception. [...] The identitarian dream of having a demo-bureaucratic state with an ethnic reference is problematic in its adherence to the forms of a particular phase of modernity which progressed to the present situation."


Wife Raid Mindset

Michael Perilloux advocates a "wife raid mindset" in the article How To Catch A Wife, published on Social Matter. 

To replace naïve romanticism, we need the fundamental masculine skill of life in the real world: the will and confidence to take a problem seriously and deliberately figure out how to solve it. You can sit down and think this problem through, come to an understanding, make plans, and reason things out. This is the only way anything real ever gets done. 
In throwing out naïve romanticism, which is a fundamentally passive strategy, it is useful to have a much more active and high-agency model to work from.

A hallmark of Western Civilization is the emphasis on individual agency, as opposed to fatalistic subservience and passivity.

Scholars of comparative linguistics and mythology have reconstructed the conception of 'undying fame' in Proto-Indo-European poetic diction as '*ḱlewos n̥dʰgʷʰitom', by applying discovered laws of language change to Sanskrit and Homeric Greek.

The same veneration for the pursuit of glory is reproduced in perhaps the most famous passage of Hávamál, originally written in Old Norse:
Cattle die, | and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
One thing now | that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds.
Excerpt from Anthony's The Horse, the Wheel and Language (p. 364) on the early dispersal of the Indo-Europeans. It has been proposed that the practice of cattle raiding, a ubiquitous theme in Indo-European mythology with a clear archaeological basis, was related to matrimonial success among the early Aryans.

The Militia

The concept of rule of law insured by enfranchised militiamen, whether freemen or a class of patricians, is an ancient Aryan tradition -- arguably the most defining feature of the political history of the pre-modern West. Unlike the despotic rulers of Eastern cultures, European kings were often elected by the peerage and subject to the scrutiny of lawspeakers; indeed, the deposition or killing of an unjust ruler was a recurring theme in poetry and mythology. For this reason, the border between monarchy and aristocratic republic has been vague throughout our history.


The Hyperboreans of North Eurasia

By the accounts of Herodotus, Homer, Hierocles and their literary peers, the ancient Greeks believed in a race of blond giants, living in complete happiness to the age of a thousand years, inhabiting a land far to the north where the sun shines day and night. They were the Hyperboreans, and their homeland was variably believed to be located in places such as the Balkans, Britain or beyond the Urals.

Genetic research has showed that hunter-gatherers of the Siberian mammoth steppe carried the allele associated with blond hair in Europeans, and that both Europeans and Native Americans are partly descended from this people - referred to in genetic literature as the Ancient North Eurasians (ANE).

The 2012 paper "Ancient Admixture in Human History" by Nick Patterson et al. was the first to suggest an Ancient North Eurasian ghost population contributing genetic material to several modern populations, attempting to explain the mysterious signal of affinity between Europeans and Native Americans.


In 2014, Raghavan et al. published the genomes of Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers from Siberia, proving not only the existence of the Ancient North Eurasians, but also that they carried the male haplogroup R*, the ancestral clade of European haplogroups R1a and R1b. Mitochondrial haplogroup U was also found, the ubiquitous maternal lineage of Mesolithic Europe, also very common among contemporary Europeans.

[W]e sequence the draft genome of an approximately 24,000-year-old individual (MA-1), from Mal’ta in south-central Siberia, [...] To our knowledge this is the oldest anatomically modern human genome reported to date. [...] We find autosomal evidence that MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and genetically closely related to modern-day Native Americans, with no close affinity to east Asians. This suggests that populations related to contemporary western Eurasians had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought. [...] Sequencing of another south-central Siberian, Afontova Gora-2 dating to approximately 17,000 years ago, revealed similar autosomal genetic signatures as MA-1, suggesting that the region was continuously occupied by humans throughout the Last Glacial Maximum.


The classic Haak et al. paper showed that significant ANE-related admixture entered parts of Europe in the early Holocene as the glaciers of the last Ice Age waned. Considering that the Ancient North Eurasians of the Afontova Gora and Mal'ta Buret cultures were relying on hunting mammoths for food, clothing, building materials as well as ivory tools and weapons, it is possible that the reduced habitat and eventual extinction of the woolly mammoth around 12,000 years ago was a contributing cause of the ANE introgression into Europe, mixing with the indigenous Western Hunter-Gatherers to form the Eastern Hunter-Gatherers. The Eastern Hunter-Gatherers likely spoke a very archaic form of Proto-Indo-European, and contributed significantly to the formation of the Steppe genotype, characteristic of Yamnaya and related cultures speaking dialects of early Proto-Indo-European during the Copper Age in Eastern Europe.

[T]wo hunter-gatherers from Russia included in our study belonged to R1a (Karelia) and R1b (Samara), the earliest documented ancient samples of either haplogroup discovered to date. [...] They have affinity to the 24,000-year-old MA1, the type specimen for the Ancient North Eurasians (ANE) who contributed to both Europeans and Native Americans. The two hunter-gatherers from Russia (Karelia in the northwest of the country and Samara on the steppe near the Urals) form an ‘eastern European hunter-gatherer’ (EHG) cluster at one end of a hunter-gatherer cline across Europe; people of hunter-gatherer ancestry from Luxembourg, Spain, and Hungary sit at the opposite ‘western European hunter-gatherer’ (WHG) end, while the hunter-gatherers from Sweden (SHG) are intermediate. [...] In Russia, the later Yamnaya steppe herders of 3,000 BC plot between the EHG and the present-day Near East/Caucasus, [...] This pattern is also seen in ADMIXTURE analysis which implies that the Yamnaya [in addition to EHG ancestry] have ancestry from populations related to the Caucasus and South Asia that is largely absent in 38 Early or Middle Neolithic farmers but present in all 25 Late Neolithic or Bronze Age individuals.

Haak et al. 2015 - Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe. https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v522/n7555/full/nature14317.html

The Proto-Indo-Europeans of the Steppe were genetically tall and also very healthy. However, despite the fact that an Ancient North Eurasian sample had the derived allele associated with blond hair in Europeans, no evidence yet suggests that blondism was very widespread among the earliest PIE communities. Instead, genes for light pigmentation seem to have proliferated in Northern Europe over the past millennia to produce the modern variation, as did the gene for lactose tolerance.

[W]e detect a signal for increased height in the steppe populations (P = 0.030 relative to the central European Early and Middle Neolithic). These results suggest that the modern South–North gradient in height across Europe is due to both increased steppe ancestry in northern populations, and selection for decreased height in Early Neolithic migrants to southern Europe.

Mathieson et al. 2015 - Genome-wide patterns of selection in 230 ancient Eurasians. https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v528/n7583/full/nature16152.html

[T]here is evidence that ancient pastoralists may have had healthier genomes than hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists. We also observed a temporal trend whereby genomes from the recent past are more likely to be healthier than genomes from the deep past. [...] In general, pastoralists possess extremely healthy genomes, especially for cancers and immune-related, periodontal, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Berens et al. 2017 - The Genomic Health Of Ancient Hominins (preprint). http://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/06/02/145193

[T]he derived allele of the KITLG SNP rs12821256 that is associated with – and likely causal for – blond hair in Europeans is present in one hunter-gatherer from each of Samara, Motala and Ukraine, as well as several later individuals with Steppe ancestry. Since the allele is found in populations with EHG but not WHG ancestry, it suggests that its origin is in the Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) population. Consistent with this, we observe that earliest known individual with the derived allele is the [Siberian] ANE individual Afontova Gora 3 which is directly dated to 16130-15749 cal BCE.

Mathieson et al. 2017 - The Genomic History of Southeastern Europe (preprint). http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/05/30/135616

[A]ncient DNA was retrieved from Eneolithic (ca. 6,500–5,000 y ago) and Bronze Age (ca. 5,000–4,000 y ago) samples from the Pontic–Caspian steppe, mainly from modern-day Ukraine. We used multiplex-PCR enrichment and next-generation sequencing to genotype the three pigmentation-associated SNPs (rs12913832, rs16891982, and rs1042602). [...] We also genotyped the three pigmentation-associated SNPs in a sample of 60 modern Ukrainians and observed an increase in frequency of all derived alleles between the ancient and modern samples from the same geographic region. This implies that the pigmentation of the prehistoric population is likely to have differed from that of modern humans living in the same area. [...] Our analysis indicates that positive selection on pigmentation variants associated with depigmented hair, skin, and eyes was still ongoing after the time period represented by our archaeological population, 6,500–4,000 y ago. This finding suggests that either the selection pressures that initiated the selective sweep during the Late Pleistocene or early Holocene were still operative or that a new selective environment had arisen in which depigmentation was favored for a different reason.

Wilde et al. 2014 - Direct evidence for positive selection of skin, hair, and eye pigmentation in Europeans during the last 5,000 y. http://www.pnas.org/content/111/13/4832.full

We also demonstrate that light skin pigmentation in Europeans was already present at high frequency in the Bronze Age, but not lactose tolerance, indicating a more recent onset of positive selection on lactose tolerance than previously thought.

Allentoft et al. 2015 - Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia. https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v522/n7555/full/nature14507.html

[A]pplying the SDS measure to data from the UK10K Project reflects allele frequency changes in the ancestors of modern Britons during the past 2,000 years. We see strong signals of selection at lactase and HLA, and in favor of blond hair and blue eyes. Turning to signals of polygenic adaptation we find, remarkably, that recent selection for increased height has driven allele frequency shifts across most of the genome.

Field et al. 2016 - Detection of human adaptation during the past 2,000 years (preprint). http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/05/07/052084


In conclusion, there were multiple instances of blond and/or tall peoples living to the north of Greece during and before the Holocene, some of them close to the Arctic circle, and evidence shows that at least the people living on the Bronze Age steppe were genetically very healthy. I all likelyhood the idea of tall, blond and healthy Hyperboreans had some truth to it.



1. Tree admixture model of Europeans (Lazaridis et al. 2014, fig. 3).
2. Map showing climatic suitability for woolly mammoths during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.
3. Engraving on a slab of mammoth ivory from the Upper Paleolithic Mal'ta Buret' culture of Siberia.

Ethnocentric Cooperation

In this video Eli Harman​ talks about the rationale for ethnocentrism. Below is a link to the research paper referred to in the video.

Max Hartshorn et al. 2013 - The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation.

Germanic Druhtinaz, Slavic Druzhina

The Scandinavian word drott refers to an ancient or medieval lord leading a hird (troop) of warriors in battle. The wife of a drott was called drottning, a word still used today in reference to a queen in Scandinavian languages. A development from Proto-Germanic *druhtinaz, drott ultimately derives from Proto-Indo-European *dʰrewgʰ- ('to hold fast', 'retain', 'support').
*Dʰrewgʰ- is also the root of Slavic druzhina, the word for a medieval fellowship of warriors in the service of a lord or chieftain, called knyaz; itself believed to derive from Germanic kuningaz (king). Additionally, the Slavic word drug (friend) is also descended from the same *dʰrewgʰ- root.
Linguists date the split of Proto-Indo-European dialects into what would become Germanic and Slavic languages to just before 3000 BC, which is incidentally around the same date geneticists point to as the calculated split of the paternal haplogroup R1a1a (R-M417) into specific Germanic and Slavic subclades. The R1a1a lineage is associated with human remains of the Corded Ware culture, a highly interconnected archaeological horizon where some of the oldest remains of genetically modern North Europeans are found, emerging as mounted warriors from the steppe conquered the North European plain.

Who Were the Proto-Indo-Europeans? (STJ)

Watch this great overview of the Proto-Indo-Europeans:

On Monogamy

A unique feature of Western Civilization is the practice of socially imposed monogamy.

In a 2013 article, Dr Kevin MacDonald writes:

But the issue of polygamy has already been before the Supreme Court, and the opinion—which upheld monogamous (heterosexual)  marriage as the only legitimate form of marriage—is of contemporary interest because of how it defended traditional monogamous marriage. [...] It asserts the uniqueness of European civilization—that its culture and traditions are quite separate from those of Asia and Africa and that monogamy is a defining feature of the West. In this the court is quite right. Traditional European culture is the only civilization where monogamy is the norm. [...] The court went beyond an argument from tradition, proposing that the social norm of monogamy benefits society because it is more compatible with individual freedom and non-despotism. [...] I have argued that monogamy is part of a suite of traits underlying Western individualism, including the nuclear family, exogamy and a de-emphasis on the extended kinship group.

MacDonald elaborates on differential marital patterns between civilizations in a 2002 issue of The Occidental Quarterly:

Traditional civilizations around the world, including those of China, India, Muslim societies, the New World civilizations, ancient Egypt and ancient Israel, often had hundreds and even thousands of concubines. [...] Western societies beginning with the ancient Greeks and Romans and extending up to the present have had a powerful tendency toward monogamy. Ancient Rome had a variety of political institutions and ideological supports that tended toward monogamy. The origins of socially imposed monogamy in Rome are lost in history, but there were several mechanisms for maintaining monogamy, including laws that lowered the legal status of offspring born outside monogamous marriage, customs opposing divorce, negative social attitudes toward non-conforming sexual behavior, and a religious ideology of monogamous sexual decorum. Variations of these mechanisms have persisted throughout Western history down to the present.

Monogamy was a practice that the Romans shared with Germanic peoples, as noted in Tacitus' Germania:

The marriage bond is strict, and no feature in their mode of life is more creditable to them  than this. Unlike the great majority of barbarians, they are content with one wife: very few of them have more than one, and these few exceptions are not due to wantonness; they are cases of men of high rank, to whom several matrimonial alliances have been offered from motives of policy.

In support of his claim about the centrality of the monogamous family to the emergence of Western culture, MacDonald refers to a 2008 paper by Wolfgang Haak et al, exploring the newly discovered Corded Ware burials outside Eulau, Germany; the same team of researchers first publishing solid genetic evidence supporting the Steppe hypothesis of the Proto-Indo-European urheimat.

A direct child-parent relationship was detected in one burial, providing the oldest molecular genetic evidence of a nuclear family. Strontium isotope analyses point to different origins for males and children versus females. By this approach, we gain insight into a Late Stone Age society, which appears to have been exogamous and patrilocal, and in which genetic kinship seems to be a focal point of social organization.

Haak et al 2008 - Ancient DNA, Strontium isotopes, and osteological analyses shed light on social and kinship organization of the Later Stone Age. http://www.pnas.org/content/105/47/18226

Indeed, researchers of human prehistory have previously noted the relationship between the feasibility of the nuclear family as a competitive norm of social organization, and increased mobility owed to the invention of the wheel, attributed to the Proto-Indo-Europeans of the early 4th millennium BC.

Attachment: an excerpt from David Anthony's 2007 book The Horse, the Wheel and Language, p. 72.

The Free City Model

Filip Buys, chairman of a major Afrikaner trade union, delivered a speech last year at the Orania City Conference promoting the free city as a model for building successful independent communities, noting how self-governed private towns are growing popular in all of South Africa due to greater security and reliability of basic services, in the light of a deteriorating centralized polity.
Drawing inspiration from the work of American economist Paul Romer and the economic success of free cities such as Singapore and Hong Kong, Buys also envisions how emerging communities like Orania might propel a revitalization of culture and identity, rather approaching the Hoppean idea of private, closed covenant communities asserting not only their economical autonomy but also their right to pursue their own preferred trajectory of culture, local policy and style of government.
The proprietary governance thinker Spencer Heath is worth mentioning in this context, outlining his philosophy looking at the social fabric of pre-Norman England for the foundation of an ideal society that combines freedom and justice in his 1957 book Citadel, Market and Altar, available online at the Startup Cities Institute (https://startupcities.squarespace.com/publications/). A reader familiar with Georges Dumézil will immediately recognize the Indo-European tripartite theme in the title of Heath's book.

Selection from the Proto-Indo-European Lexicon

Linguists have reconstructed a vast number of Proto-Indo-European words using the comparative method, first developed by philologists in the 19th century. The following selection of the reconstructed lexicon gives a valuable insight into the world experienced by our ancestors over six thousand years ago, describing a flora and fauna typical of northeastern Europe and a traditional society of kings and freemen, oathbound warriors and thriving families.
Although time has undoubtedly erased fragments of our ancestral tongue, basic features of morphology and syntax are well known and learning to speak like the ancient Aryans would technically not be harder than learning French or German.
akso - axle (wheel)
akya - egg
akw - water
ank - angle
arkw - bow, arrow
arm - arm
austero - eastern
bardeh - beard
bebrus - beaver
berg - height
bhudm - bottom
bhrun - brown
bhre - carry, bear
bhreg - break
bi - bee
blend - blond/red-haired
brehter - brother
breuh - brew
boul - ball
dag - day
dautos - dead
dayhwer - husband’s brother
deiwos - sky-god
dems-potis - master of the house
dreib - drive
dughter - daughter
duis - twice
dwer - door
dwo - two
geysl - hostage, prisoner
ghosti - guest, host
gweneh - woman, queen, wife
gwentis - act of killing
gwous - cattle
hegsih - axe
heig - oak
heln - moose
helud - beer
heblo - apple
hekwos - horse
heryos - kinsman (root of ‘Aryan’)
heyos - bronze
hner - power, husband
hnomn - name
hoitos - oath
hrtkos - bear
hrtu - right, ritually correct, cosmic order
huedh - lead away, man wedding a woman
katus - fight
kaput - head
koim - village, home
koros - war, struggle
kory - troops
kratus - strength
kwekwlos - wheel
kwoyneh - revenge, price, punishment
laks - salmon
leh - military action, hide
lehu - plunder, profit
leub - love, care, desire
leugh - lie, complain
lunks - lynx
maghu - bachelor
man - man
marg - edge, border
medhu - honey, mead
mehter - mother
melg - milk
mentis - thought
mor - malicious feminine spirit
mrtro - murder
nao - boat
nas - nose
nefo - nephew
neme - give or take one’s due
nepot - grandchild, sister’s son
neptih - niece
oiw - custom, tradition, law
orb - orphan
pehwr - bonfire
pelh - stronghold, fortification
per - exchange
phkteh - betrothal, engagement, bride
phter - father
pisk - fish
plein - spearhead, metal arrow, hook
potis - lord, master, owner, husband, host
poimen - breast milk
prow - right, judge, master
rebh - rib
regs - king, ruler
reidh - ride
reud - red
reyd - ready
rot - wheel
sag - investigate, track down
sak - sanctify, make a treaty
san - healthy, happy
sap - try, research, skill
sedstos - seated
selb - one’s own
siu - sew
skend - split off, secede
skeu - sky, cloud, conceal
slab - to be weak
smeltaz - quiet, gentle
smer - be mindful, remember
smey - laugh, be glad
smukw - smoke
snewbo - marry
sneyg - snow
snusos - daughter-in-law
sokw - companion
somos - same, together, united
skel - be obliged
speg - understand, attentive, intelligent
sphe - succeed, turn out well, prosper
sprd - contest, race
stemb - stamp, support
suhnus - son
supnos - dream
surdhom - sword
suwen - sun
swe - separate, apart
swed - custom, habit
sweid - sweat
swekruh - mother-in-law
swekuros - father-in-law
swesor - sister
taw - melt
tawros - bull
tehy - steal
teng - think
tewteh - tribe, people
treystis - in a bad mood
trow - beat, wound, torment
tuh - you
uksen - bull
upelos - evil
vik - house, village
wadh - guarantee, bail
waldh - be powerful, possess, prevail
wat - prophet
watu - inspired utterance
wed - join
wedhro - weather
wedhstis - act of joining
wedno - bride-price
weg - ride, transport, move
wehro - true
weik - settle, settlement, tribe
weik-potis - chieftain
wekti - cause, sake, thing
wel - wish, desire, want
wer - true, benevolent, friendly
werdho - word
wers - to mix up, confuse
wesa - buy
wesno - price
weydstos - knowledgeable
weyk - overcome
wid - see, know
widstor - the one that knows
wihon - wine
wihros - freeman
wodor - water
wognos - wagon, cart
wreg - drive
wrmi - worm
wrok - speech, complaint
yaus - ritual purity, supreme justice
yehro - year
yeka - joke
yewg - harness, join, yoke
yugom - yoke

Indo-European Identity - Fragments

Joakim Andersen, aka "Oskorei", is a prolific writer of the Swedish think-tank Motpol. His book Ur ruinerna: 2000-talets höger växer fram ('Rising from the Ruins') was released earlier this year.
In a 2011 article, he argues that white nations should reconnect to pre-war intellectual efforts of creating an Aryan (Indo-European) meta-identity for Europeans, providing a unifying sense of common rootedness in prehistory and coherence beyond strict ethnonationalism, inseparable from the ethos and achievements of all that is Western Civilization.
Thanks to recent developments in the field of ancient DNA, it is now beyond doubt that white people have a unique claim to this charged epithet, that assertively relates and transcends our ancestral heritage beyond the period of written history, through the various strands of paganism, into the Iron and Bronze Ages in a unique continuity of spirit, blood and soil dating back thousands of years. In this context, Andersen's article serves as a good stepping stone to exploring our deep past, and knowing why we do it. Below is a translation from Swedish:


"While committing his atrocities, Anders Behring Breivik posited a number of questions to the broad movement critical of mass immigration - can Europeans unite behind your ideology, is the identity you offer them attractive enough? Even though we find mass murder of children utterly despicable, the question is highly relevant, and should be taken seriously. Breivik opined that cultural conservatism under the banner of Christianity is the only realistic alternative; such that it would be comprehensible to many Europeans, avoid burdensome historical liabilities and allow necessary alliances with conservative Jews and Christians from the Middle East.
One may ask, however, whether this is enough to satisfy the need for a meta-identity and provide an answer to the question "who am I?". The environmentalist movement differentiates between ordinary environmentalism and deep ecology, and for Europeans to be able and willing to survive, they need a correspondingly "deeply identitarian", attractive and positive answer to the question of who they are. The political discourse/monologue in Western Europe takes place in a shallow plane, a lot is taken for granted, economy and crime are discussed, but who "we" are is rarely spoken of. This is also true in large swathes of the anti-immigration milieu.
Today's post will therefore, in fragments, outline an answer to which meta-identity we should choose, in whose name we should fight the struggle for Europe. This meta-identity is the Indo-European, often referred to as the Aryan. It has been noted that one should avoid negatively loaded monikers, and this is generally true. But it is likewise true that you should pick your battles, and reconquering this term is a battle worth fighting.
"The future belongs to those with the longest memory." - Friedrich Nietzsche
As Nietzsche notes in a "deeply identitarian" passage, "long memories" are of central importance. The Indo-European heritage is such a long memory which roots our origins in ancient history. It associates to a folk of natural aristocrats, to Nordic paganism, Roman imperialism, and the Anglo-Saxon tradition of freedom. Historians have also shown how Christianity went through a fruitful "Germanization" in the Middle Ages, which makes the Indo-European myth compatible both with pagan and Christian identity. Historically, the term connotes to features that today are somewhat taboo, but are critically important to the survival of the Europeans.
"Ich bin Arisch" - Sido
The Indo-European, or Aryan, meta-identity has the same possibilities to influence other peoples and migrant communities as the Counter-Jihadism Breivik proposes. Interestingly, there is a clear dividing line between Arabic and Indo-European culture and mentality. As Alexander Dugin notes, the Eurasian project overlaps with the Indo-European world to a great extent. Therefore, such a meta-identity makes possible good relations with everything from Indians to Russians (with a wider definition of the term, you can also include everything from the Finno-Ugric peoples to some minorities in the Middle East. We are thus dealing with a political myth, and those have a degree of flexibility).
Worth mentioning is that there is a great deal of research done on our Indo-European ancestors, by authors such as Dumezil, Benveniste and Wikander.
But what does it mean to be an Indo-European, or, using taboo language, an Aryan? The word is often translated as "the noble", or by Nietzsche as "the lords", and it testifies of a culture of natural aristocrats. In an era when many are feeble-minded consumers of trash food, trash culture and trash news, it is worth reminding oneself that the aristocratic ideal is hardest on the aristocrat, most difficult for the one willing to realize it. In our time, striving to be noble is as revolutionary as it is, in the long term, an attractive and necessary project.
The Indo-European identity is also connected to a specific worldview. That the relation between high-born men and the gods would be like that toward slaves was foreign to our ancestors. FK Günther writes:
"The pagan north Germans, who still believed in that the divine was present in all "men of high mind", were called Godless (gudlauss or gudlausir menn) by their converted countrymen, who were spiritually more simple, and therefore could not understand inner spiritual power or strength."
To be one of the "noble" implicates a specific view on the relation to the surrounding world, and it is no coincidence that the very potent civilization which Spengler calls the Faustian, arose in this environment. One may connect several secondary aspects of the Indo-European worldview to this, like the importance of reciprocity, the view on death, the creation of order, and the feeling toward nature and beauty. Combined, they constitute a revolutionary alternative to the modernity leading Europe toward its grave."

Fourth Generation Warfare Prophecy

Ironically, the most gloomy scenario faced by white countries could nurse the rebirth of our people and incubate a global revolutionary force. In this potentially prophetic essay, Julian Langness extrapolates the empirical knowledge of 4th generation warfare onto the increasingly failed state that is Sweden.

How Europe’s War of Liberation Could Begin, by Julian Langness

The Means of Home Production

"In an age of globalization and continued improvement in material technology, it should be cheaper than ever to support a large family. But we end up giving up these gains and then some by having to throw cash at social technology failures, in a way that extends well past Baumol’s cost disease. The escalating cost of acceptable educations and houses in acceptable neighborhoods is not a fact baked into the universe, but a tax that we pay for social dysfunction. More precisely, they represent a silent, unreported form of inflation."

Seizing the means of home production, by Harold Lee

King Björn's Barrow in Håga (STJ)

The Indo-European invasion from the steppe completely overhauled the cultural and genetic landscape of Europe. The early farming populations in Scandinavia were replaced by modern-looking North Europeans, coming in from the Corded Ware culture in Germany some five thousand years ago.
A few centuries later, exactly the same thing happened in Britain with the Bell Beakers replacing the previous inhabitants and establishing the genetic structure remaining to this day.
The Scandinavian Corded Ware developed a local variant called the Battle-Axe culture, which later developed into the very rich Nordic Bronze Age. At this time, the weather was so good grapes were growing in Scandinavia and the population was larger and wealthier than during the colder Iron Age. Toward the end of this era, Scandinavians were probably speaking an early version of Proto-Germanic (dated ~700 BC).
Given the riches found in the Håga burial, its tenant king may well be considered the Agamemnon of Scandinavia, in reference to the mythological king of Mycenaean Greece, another maritime Indo-European civilization contemporary with the Nordic Bronze Age.

Männerbund 101

Männerbund 101, by Mark Yuray

The source of civilization is not the family, the market, the electoral process, or the scientific committee of “experts.” The source of civilization is the Männerbund.

Ancient History on Wheels

The secondary products revolution was a game changer in the prehistoric world, and arguably the most important invention of this period was the wheel, with great implications for mobility, trade and warfare. It was long assumed that the wheel was invented in Mesopotamia, but today scholars are instead pointing toward Europe. 

In a 2007 paper, Finnish anthropologist Asko Parpola writes:

"The very earliest presently known evidence for wheeled vehicles comes (in the form of wheeled animal-shaped cups and house models) from the Tripolye culture (phases B2 & early C1, c. 3800 BC) (Gusev 1998; Burmeister 2004: 14f.). The slide-car pulled by oxen is widely assumed to have been the predecessor of wheeled vehicles, and it too is documented from the Tripolye culture (C1 and earlier, cf. Burmeister 2004: 21f.). The Tripolye culture is located in the middle of the earliest vehicle finds, in the forest-steppe with big trees needed for solid wheels yet with plains more trafficable than the forested central and NW Europe"

In the same paper, he later writes:

"Valentin Dergachev (2002, 2007) has recently suggested that during Tripolye B1, the pastoralists of the Pontic steppes attacked Tripolye settlements on a vast scale. The number of arrowheads found in Tripolye settlements rises phenomenally, and previously unprotected settlements become fortified. Philip L. Kohl (2004, 2007: 23-54) calls attention to the subsequent transformation of the Tripolye people from settled farmers to more mobile pastoralists (Kohl 2004, 2007: 23-54). I suggest that the linguistic Indo-Europeanization of non-Indo-European speaking Europe started with Tripolye, the farming culture closest to the steppe pastoralists, who had long received their metal from Tripolye and been under its cultural influence."

The earliest evidence for wheeled vehicles outside of territories either demonstrably non-Indo-European, for example, Sumer (Uruk, 3500-3100 BC), or implausibly Proto-Indo-European – such as the Kuro-Araxes culture of south Transcaucasia where Hurro-Urartian languages appear (Arslantepe, 3400-3100 BC) – is to be found among a number of fourth-millennium BC cultures in Europe. These include the Funnelbeaker culture of Northern Europe which reveals an acquaintance with vehicles by the mid-fourth millennium BC; a famous ceramic vase dated 3500-3350 BC from Bronocice, Poland, depicts what looks like five four-wheeled carts. Clay models of four-wheeled carts from the Late Copper Age Baden culture in the Carpathian Basin, modern Hungary, are dated to 3300-3100 BC. Then there are some full-sized wooden wheels from the latter half of the fourth millennium BC, that have been found in Switzerland, Slovenia and Northern Italy. Numerous remains of wheeled vehicles in the Pontic-Caspian region also emerge towards the end of the fourth millennium BC. Most impressive of all, there are remains of complete wagons from the Caucasus Novotitorovka culture in Georgia, dated about 3500 BC.

Linguists Tomas Gamkrelidze and Vyachislav Ivanov have noted that one of our words associated with wheeled vehicles, Proto-Indo-European *kwekwlo-, bears striking similarity to the words for vehicles in Sumerian gigir, Semitic *galgal-, and Kartvelian *grgar. With the putative origin of wheeled vehicles set variously to the Pontic-Caspian region, Europe, Transcaucasia or to Sumer, we may be witnessing the original word for a wheeled vehicle in four different language families. Even the Chinese bears some similarity, with the Mandarin being gulu and the Cantonese gukluk. All of this suggests at least a connection.

The argument is that the technology of the cart was so marvellous that it spread rapidly across Europe and Eurasia – perhaps assisted by the fast horses tamed by the steppe pastoralists who had invaded the Tripolye culture. As the Proto-Indo-European *kwekwlo- is built on an Indo-European verbal root *kwel- ‘to turn, to twist’, it is unlikely that the Indo-Europeans borrowed their word from one of the other languages. In addition to *kwekwlo- and *kwel-, scientists have reconstructed at least two more Proto-Indo-European words for wheel, as well as words for axle, thill, yoke, nave and a verb meaning ‘drive’ or ‘convey in a vehicle’.

The notion that Mesopotamia was the birthplace of the wheel is a claim that has lost its legitimacy over the years. Wheeled vehicles are attested earlier elsewhere, although the Mesopotamians are still likely candidates for being the inventors of the potter's wheel.
The findings in the last decades instead point toward an introduction of the wheel *to* Mesopotamia. The spoke-wheeled chariot and horse was diffused to Mesopotamia as well, some time later on. Furthermore, the speakers of Proto-Indo-European demonstrably invented their own terminology for wheels and wheeled vehicles in the 4th millennium BC, notably the word *kwekwlo- (wheel) derived from the verb *kwel- (to turn).


Attached: Artifacts from two contemporary Indo-European Bronze Age cultures, Urnfield and Nordic Bronze Age, featuring what could be interpreted as sun crosses, stylized wooden shields, or wheels.



Asko Parpola, Proto-Indo-European speakers of the Late Tripolye culture as the inventors of wheeled vehicles: Linguistic and archaeological considerations, 2007. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241387355_Proto-Indo-European_speakers_of_the_Late_Tripolye_culture_as_the_inventors_of_wheeled_vehicles_Linguistic_and_archaeological_considerations
J.P. Mallory, In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth, ISBN 050005052X, p. 163. 
John Farndon, The World's Greatest Idea, ISBN 1848311966, p. 95.

The Roots of the White Man

Twenty years after Samuel T. Francis published "The Roots of the White Man" in a 1996 issue of American Renaissance, at least two of his claims need to be revised thanks to archaeological finds and advances in genetics; namely that we cannot conduct genetic analyses of ancient Aryans, and that the Aryans were not the inventors of the wheel.
Nevertheless, his essay remains highly relevant to the quest of rediscovering who we are. Below are some selected excerpts.

Indo-European gods are considerably less powerful than the deities adored by the non-Aryans. Zeus, Apollo, Odin, Thor, and the rest did not create the universe and are in fact subject to most of its rules. The subordination of Aryan gods to the regularities of the universe itself points toward a deep Indo-European belief in Cosmic Order, a belief that has major philosophical and ethical implications.
It is also the dynamism of Indo-European man that accounts for the comparative absence of “Oriental despotism” in the political history of the Aryan peoples. Both Greece and Rome were originally ruled by kings, but the kings were never absolute monarchs and were elected or confirmed by the aristocratic warrior classes. Very early in their histories, the kings were dethroned, and republics, also originally aristocratic, were established. The Roman historian Tacitus noted similar institutions among the warrior bands of the ancient Germans, whom he held up in part as models of virtue against whom the decadent Romans of his day fell short.
Those despots who have gained power over Aryan peoples usually never last very long, and those who overthrow or assassinate them usually become heroic figures. The individuality and dynamism of Indo-European man simply does not tolerate one man or institution monopolizing all the power and dictating to everyone else.
Already in prehistoric times, then, the Germanic peoples exhibited an archaic form of republicanism that was fundamentally aristocratic in nature. The “free men” of the community did not include all inhabitants but “the great mass of independent landowners and the wealthier or more aristocratic class of recognized families, which might be called the nobility.” The unfree, or “thralls,” had no vote or standing in the assembly. The free men were also those who bore arms,
When the Framers of the American Constitution guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms, “being necessary to the security of a free State,” they were following this ancient Aryan custom of the assembly of armed free men, and much the same custom was observed among the early Greeks and Romans.
The natural form of government among the Aryan peoples, then, appears to be this kind of aristocratic republic, tending toward democracy but with well-recognized rights and duties for non-aristocrats. A limited democracy thus has deep racial and cultural roots among Europeans, but it properly derives from those roots, not from the rootless ideologies that today have grotesquely expanded it far beyond its natural role. The natural Aryan aristocratic republicanism is a form of government encouraged by the tripartite structure of Indo-European society; by its distinctions and balances between the warrior, priestly, and producer classes; by its tendency to separate the sacred from the secular; and by the apparently innate dynamism of the Aryan race itself, which resists and rebels against any effort to impose autocratic rule or to induce the passivity that allows despotism to flourish.
Despotism, even in its European forms, is not naturally an Indo-European institution but derives ultimately from alien peoples.
Aryans were also closely attached to family units, not only the nuclear family but also the clans in which their society was organized, and clan warfare in Ireland and Scotland, family-based political factionalism among the Romans, and conflicts among the many independent city-states of ancient Greece were notorious as forces that tended to keep these populations divided. It was groups such as race, nationality, clan, community, class, and family that established the social fabric of early Aryan life, and individualism in the modern sense of a John Stuart Mill or Ayn Rand—as a belief that justifies the individual’s neglecting or betraying his social bonds—did not exist.
The “sense of reciprocity” as well as the rule of law are no doubt reflections of the Aryan concept of Cosmic Order, a view of the universe that holds that both nature and man behave according to universal, perpetual laws or regular patterns and in which rights and duties are in balance. But the concept of Cosmic Order did not imply an egalitarian or homogeneous social order in which everyone is equal and there are no distinctions between groups, classes, sexes, races, and nations. Indeed, early Aryan society was hierarchical, organic, and aristocratic; the natural form of Aryan government was an aristocratic republic in which distinct classes and social groups participated and expressed their views and interests freely, and a high level of political participation was necessary for such dynamic and restless populations of independent, armed free men as the early Aryans.
Free speech, for example, certainly seems to have pertained in the tribal assemblies, and it is doubtful if the early Aryans were such bluenoses as their Victorian descendants or such totalitarians as late 20th century academics. But free speech did not include the right to commit sacrilege, subversion, or obscenity and was circumscribed by custom and the high courtesy that is universal among warrior peoples.

Milk in Proto-Indo-European Society

Professor Henry Harpending delivers a great talk about the importance of milk and horses in Indo-European society.

Scythian Exhibition

A major genetic study in 2015 revealed that the Proto-Indo-Iranians, the ancestors of the Scythians and the Vedic Aryans, came from Europe and were most similar to modern Russians.

The remains at Sintashta date to 2100 BC and are associated with the oldest preserved, fully developed spoke-wheel chariots. The archaeological culture descends from the easternmost expansion of the Corded Ware, stretching from Scandinavia and Western Europe to Ukraine and Russia during the 3rd millennium BC. The East European roots of Scythians and Vedic Aryans are neatly verified by the linguistic grouping of Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian languages as satem languages, sharing many features of vocabulary and pronounciation.

Allentoft et al 2015 - Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia.

2,500 years ago groups of formidable warriors roamed the vast open plains of Siberia. Feared, loathed, admired – but over time forgotten… until now.
Today we announce our major autumn show – the BP exhibition Scythians: warriors of ancient Siberia. This show will explore the story of the Scythians – nomadic tribes and masters of mounted warfare, who flourished between 900 and 200 BC. For centuries all trace of their culture was lost – buried beneath the ice. Discoveries of ancient tombs have unearthed a wealth of Scythian treasures that are revealing the truth about these people’s lives.

Explore the lost world of the mysterious #Scythians in our exhibition opening on 14 September. Book your tickets now! http://ow.ly/EGc930c99MP

Plus get a sneak peek of some of the exquisite objects that will feature in the exhibition in our #FacebookLive this evening at 18.00 with Exhibition Curator St John Simpson.

Supported by BP.

Gold plaque, c. 400–350 BC. © The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, 2017. Photo: V Terebenin.


Curt Doolittle on Paganism

There is very little to understand about nature worship. 
There is very little to understand about ancestor worship.
There is very little to understand about hero worship.
These are exercises in sacredness: non consumption and ritual demonstration of reciprocity (gifts, observances).


Propertarian Institute

Sacred Mead of Poetry (STJ)

Although the oldest evidence of mead in Europe is from the Bell Beaker culture, 3rd millennium BC, traces of fermented honey is known from 9,000 year old pots used by hunter-gatherers in north China, according to the 2010 book by H.B. Long.
English 'mead', as well as Old Norse 'mjǫðr', Lithuanian 'midus', Slavic 'medovukha' and Sanskrit 'madhu' descend from the Proto-Indo-European word for honey, *médʰu.